CALL FOR PAPERS: Diliman Review Vol. 66, No. 1 (2022)
Deadline for submission is on 1 April 2022.
Diliman Review is one of the refereed journals of the College of Arts and Letters (CAL), the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), and the College of Science (CS), University of the Philippines, Diliman. It draws its contributors mainly from its own pool of UP scholars, creative writers, and artists but also welcomes essays, creative works, reviews, forum/symposium papers from other scholars and artists.
For Volume 66, No. 1 (2022), Diliman Review is accepting original contributions until 1 April 2022. While open-themed, it prioritizes papers that touch upon issues relevant to the Social Sciences & Philosophy, the Natural Sciences, or the Arts & Humanities. It also considers topics that are contiguous with or among these three domains.
All submissions will undergo a double-blind per review process.
1. Research Articles (e.g., original research, replication studies, case studies, technical reports)
5,000 to 9,000 words including abstract, footnotes, appendices, and references; American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition citation format; and, 150 to 200-word abstract and five keywords
2. Brief Opinion-Oriented Pieces (e.g., commentaries, book reviews)
5,000 words maximum including footnotes, appendices, and references; and American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition citation format
3. Literary Contributions
For poetry, up to 5 poems not exceeding a total of 10 single-spaced pages; and, for fiction, 5,000 words maximum
Additional Guidelines
• Contributions may either be in English or Filipino (papers in Filipino should have an abstract in English and Filipino);
• MS Word format (doc or docx);
• All contributions, except for poetry, must be typed (12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial font/double-spaced);
• A cover page indicating the title, contributor’s name, affiliation, email address, contact details, and number of words should be provided. Any information indicating the contributor’s identity should not appear anywhere in the contribution except on the cover page.
• Simultaneous submission (submitting a work that is under consideration or is intended to be submitted elsewhere) is not allowed.
• Send contribution to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Submit it as an attachment along with an introductory email containing the contributor’s name, title of the contribution, affiliation, and contact details. Use the subject heading: DR 66-1 Submission 2022